Wednesday, November 2, 2022

I'll be what I believe, October 31, 2022

Hello all! This is it. My final weekly email. I can't believe this day has come. It's kind of surreal actually. These next few days will be a lot of lasts. Today I had a last. My companion and I were shopping and a member "Hey Elders!" I won't have that opportunity to be greeted like that again on a pday. It hit me than. I only have a few days left. 

I had an exchange with Elder Holt and Elder Henrie this week. Great Elders. Worked hard and had great success. Miracles were seen. 

Our dear friend Emily was baptized this week. It was very special. Her husband baptized and confirmed her. She has been meeting with the missionaries for 5 years. Many members came to support and I could see the visible change in Emily. She desires to follow God and help her children come closer to Him. She knows how to do that.

My last Sunday as a missionary was yesterday. I always loved shaking everyone's hands. I will miss greeting everyone and having that personal interaction. In sacrament meeting the children had a primary presentation. The closing song was "I'll be what I believe." That has become one of my favorite songs. I am going to strive to be what I believe as I return home from my mission. 

My favorite scripture right now:  "3 And now, O my son [William], behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day." (Alma 36:3) Trust in the Lord.

Thank you all for being a part of my mission experience. It really means a lot. Thank you for the support you have given me these last 24 months. 

Love you all!!

Elder Spencer 

Angels, October 24, 2022

Hey everyone! I love you!

I love angels and I have had experiences this week with angels on both sides on the veil. I was studying and read this scripture: "...for they were treated as though they were angels sent from God..." (Alma 27:4) that really stuck out to me. Angels are sent from God today for people today. I was than guided to The Ministry of Angels By Elder J. Holland. In that talk he described that angels "come and minister, convey love and concern, gives attention, so good, so pure and manifest kindness and devotion." There have been people in my life who fit those descriptions. Many people.

I desire that the Spirit will impress upon your heart and mind an instance you have been ministered unto by an angel. 

Love you all!

Elder Spencer 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Into the Unknown, October 17, 2022

Hello everyone! I hope you all are well. 

An interesting week here. Elder Bunnell is preparing to go to Peru on the 31st and I am going home shortly afterwards. So this week we both just felt very unmotivated and tired. We had been going super hard the first weeks together and now we both will be leaving. That hit us this week and we had to hit the restart button. I began to get the fire back on Saturday so I was grateful for that. I also practiced gratitude a lot more this week. That helps so much. More than I think.

Leaving my mission and starting the next life changing event has brought many feelings. I am scared, excited and nervous all at the same time. It is just like when I started my mission. I just had to trust God at that time. So I am learning to trust Him and do all I can to learn and grow. 

Love yall! Elder Spencer 

Permanently In the Choir! October 10, 2022

Hello everyone! I love you all!

This week was super interesting. Elder Bunnell and I both went through tough nights where we were frustrated at each other and didn't talk to one another. I was first and then he was rhe next night haha. On the night I was feeling frustrated I had some things on my mind. I was feeling sad because I didn't want my mission to end. I love my mission so much. I love the people and the gospel. I love Jesus. I have had so many wonderful experiences and I was just not wanting it to end. I was also feeling very inadequate. Like I didn't know enough. While I was in this saddened state the Spirit led me to a song and a talk. The song line that stood out to me was "Jesus Listening can hear the songs I cannot sing." (Hymn 227, There is Sunshine in My Soul Today) Jesus knew what I was going through. The talk was "Songs Sung and Unsung" by Elder Holland. He quoted the hymn a lot in his talk and he said this" On those days when we feel a little out of tune, a little less than what we think we see or hear in others, I would ask us, especially the youth of the Church, to remember it is by divine design that not all the voices in God’s choir are the same. It takes variety—sopranos and altos, baritones and basses—to make rich music" I learned that my voice matters. I can make a difference. I am needed here right now. But I was still concerned about my mission being done soon. I than read this from the talk" Brothers and sisters, we live in a mortal world with many songs we cannot or do not yet sing. But I plead with each one of us to stay permanently and faithfully in the choir, where we will be able to savor forever that most precious anthem of all—“the song of redeeming love.” I can stay in the choir when I finish. I can always show I believe in Christ.

Love yall!

Elder Spencer 

Bearing His Name, October 3, 2022

Hello all! I love you all!

This week we saw many miracles. We had 8 different missionaries in our apartment through the week. It was amazing! We worked super hard in our area and it was great. God is so good and I love Him. 

As a missionary I bear Christ's name on my chest. My family name and His name on my name tag. In General Conference Elder Lund said "I don't have to wear the badge to bear His name." That struck me a lot. Pretty soon I won't be wearing the badge anymore, but I can still stand with Him. I can always choose Christ. 

I invite you to Choose Him. Start with a prayer and reading your scriptures.

Elder Spencer 

Finish Strong! September 26, 2022

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well! 

I am determined to do all I can to help others and invite them to come to Jesus as a missionary. My companion Elder Bunnell is focused and works hard. I am excited! He reminds me a lot of my old companion Elder Buhman! He looks like him and acts like him. It's pretty crazy. 

We set some goals and made some plans for our work this transfer. Those things are important. It is how we can grow. How we stay diligent. 

I got to talk to Elder Cruze one last time before he flew home this week. He came out 6 weeks before I did. He was in my first district. I love him and will miss him. He has the gift of a still small voice. 

I love you all! Elder Spencer 

I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go, September 19, 2022

Transfer news! I am staying in Metfield Ward for my last transfer. I am excited to work hard and finish strong.

Today I had a wonderful Spiritual experience. I was sitting in the back of a car while we were driving to a members house to say goodbye before my companion leaves. We had the windows rolled down and I had my hand out the window enjoying the wind rushing by. The sun was shining and we were going up and down the hills of Bella Vista. We were listening so some music when the song changed to "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go." (Hymn 270 in the hymn book) It was a male singing a solo. The man singing sounded exactly like the elder who was sitting in front of me in the car. I began to sing along to the song and closed my eyes. I payed attention to the words and felt joy. This line stood out to me: "There's surely somewhere a lowly place in earth's harvest fields so wide where I may labor through life's short day for Jesus, the Crucified. So trusting my all to thy tender care, and knowing thou lovest me, I'll do thy will with a heart sincere: I'll be what you want me to be." My mission has felt short. I am trying to trust and love God. Trying to put my will into His. To become. 
I love you. I know miracles happen every single day. 
Elder Spencer